The .US Stakeholder Council

Learn more about how the council fosters growth within the .US domain space.

The usTLD Stakeholder Council is the advisory body through which the usTLD’s diverse stakeholders can advise and engage with Registry Services, the contract administrator for the usTLD, concerning the management, security and stability of the .US domain. The Council serves as an independent forum and mechanism for future development of the usTLD, working directly with stakeholders and helping Regisry Services identify public needs and develop policies, programs and partnerships to address those needs.

Meet the Council

View the Charter
What We Do

The Council addresses matters related to the operation of the usTLD in the interest of the usTLD user community. The work of the Council is focused on:

  • Recommending policies and other improvements to the management of the usTLD to Registry Services;
  • Ensuring that the needs of current usTLD domain name holders are considered in the management of the usTLD;
  • Providing input on mechanisms to enhance and improve the user experience and utility of the usTLD space; and
  • Improvements to the security within the usTLD and stable management of the space.

Learn more about Stakeholder Operating Procedures ustld-stakeholder-council-operating-procedureshere.

All Stakeholder Council Members have agreed to the following statement: I hereby affirm that I have received a copy of the USTLD Stakeholder Council Conflict of Interest Policy; have read and understand the Policy; and agree to comply with the Policy. Except as described within my Declaration of Interest I have no (i) ownership or investment interest in any entity with which the Registry Operator for the usTLD has an existing or proposed transaction, contract, dispute, or other arrangement; (ii) a compensation arrangement with any entity or individual with which the Registry Operator for the usTLD has a transaction, contract, dispute, or other arrangement; and (iii) a potential ownership or investment interest in, or compensation arrangement with, any entity or individual with which the Registry Operator for the usTLD is negotiating a transaction, contract, dispute, or arrangement.

2021 Work Plan

The Stakeholder Council is designed to support vibrant, inclusive, and participatory policy development for .US

usTLD Public Town Hall

The usTLD Stakeholder Council holds the usTLD Public Stakeholder Town Hall annually to allow the broader community of stakeholders to provide input and feedback on .US Policies and other initiatives.

Town Hall 2021

November 4, 2021 at 12:00 pm Eastern Time

Sign Up to Attend

Council Meetings

The usTLD Stakeholder Council will meet quarterly in 2021.

The schedule of calls of the usTLD Stakeholder Council will be as follows:

  1. Q1 - March 18, 2021 at 12:00 pm Eastern Time
  2. Q2 - June 10, 2021 at 12:00 pm Eastern Time
  3. Q3 - September 16, 2021 at 12:00 pm Eastern Time
  4. Q4 - December 16, 2021 at 12:00 pm Eastern Time

Council meetings are open to the public. If you would like to join a particular meeting, please contact us.

Council Meeting Minutes
Registry Reports are available to the public three months after the reporting month and are accessible for the most recent two years. Reports older than two years, but within the current usTLD Contract Term beginning on August 29, 2019, have been archived. To request access to an archived public report, please contact us.

Guiding Principles and Policies

In addition to the overarching goals of the Council stated above, the Council works to advance the following guiding principles and policies, which are critical for operation of the usTLD in the public interest:

  • The security, reliability, and stability of the Internet are of paramount importance, so the usTLD must operate in a highly stable manner and lead by example;

  • The usTLD must continue to serve the needs of existing Registrants, support innovative new uses of the name space, and respect the rights of consumers and rights holders;

  • The Council’s operations and its policy development process must be fair, open, transparent and accountable, and must allow for participation by multiple stakeholders;

  • The interests of individual usTLD Stakeholder Council members must be fully disclosed to ensure that the usTLD user community understands the interests being represented on the Council;

  • The usTLD policies should be informed by best practices as developed by the global Internet stakeholder community, so effective outreach mechanisms are important components of usTLD policy;

  • The registration and operation of usTLD domain registrations must be effectively subject to the laws and regulation of the United States and the policies of the usTLD;

  • The usTLD space must secure and maintain publicly accessible, accurate, and up-to-date WHOIS information for each usTLD Registrant;

  • Innovation in the usTLD space should promote the public interest and benefit both commercial and noncommercial usTLD stakeholders; and

  • Support and promote the growth and utility of the usTLD space as an engine for economic growth and innovation.

Read the Full Charter

Council Composition

The Council members include individuals representing a wide variety of usTLD stakeholders including, without limitation, the following:

  • usTLD Registrars and Delegated Managers
  • City and state CIOs
  • Commercial and nonprofit usTLD registrants
  • Consumer advocacy organizations and other representatives of civil society
  • Intellectual property rights holders
  • Educators and organizations involved in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education
  • Law enforcement and cybersecurity experts
  • Child development/safety experts
  • Small businesses
  • usTLD registrants at large

The Council aims to represent a variety of usTLD stakeholders, each of whose voice should be heard and respected. Registry Services may add other stakeholder groups to the Council based on community input. Registry Services may also modify the size and composition of the Council from time to time to reflect its changing needs or changing needs identified by the Council. For more information about how to join the Council please email Contact Us

To ensure that it can fully execute its obligations as Registry Operator for the usTLD, a technical representative of Registry Services also will participate on the Council as a non-voting member.

Selection and Term of Council Members

Registry Services will fill Council vacancies as needed, with the goal that the Council represent the variety of usTLD stakeholder perspectives. Members are appointed to renewable two-year terms.

Stakeholder Council Resources

Learn more about how the council fosters growth within the .US domain space.

Council Reports

The Stakeholder Secretariat will publish a report summarizing Council activities from the foregoing quarter.

  • Work Plans and Meeting Minutes
  • Marketing and Administrator Updates
  • Policy & Security Status
View All Reports

Read the Charter

Learn More about the Stakeholder Council and the Charter.

Operating Procedures

Read more about the Stakeholder council operating procedures.

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ACCESSIBILITY: Registry Services, LLC is committed to providing websites and information that are accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. .US has implemented the relevant portions of the World Web Consortium's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA as its web accessibility standard to the greatest extent feasible, and intend to keep it in WCAG 2.0 compliance and will have specific guidelines for it. Please be aware that our efforts are ongoing. If at any time you have specific questions or concerns about the accessibility of any web page on our website, please Contact Us. If you do encounter an accessibility issue, please be sure to specify the webpage in your email, and we will make all reasonable efforts to make that page accessible for you.

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